
My photo

Rashid Amanzholov

Shortly about me:

Computer Science is my work, my hobby and my life

My projects as mobile developer

  1. “Radio Maria Play TV” (Copyright: ASSOCIAZIONE RADIO MARIA A.P.S. ENTE MORALE RICONOSCIUTO) [A christian voice to the world on the your TV]. Developed by using Leanback framework for AndroidTV and SwiftUI for tvOS platforms.

  2. “Radio Maria Play” (Copyright: ASSOCIAZIONE RADIO MARIA A.P.S. ENTE MORALE RICONOSCIUTO) A christian voice to the world. My part of project as the developer for iOS platform (UIKit).

  3. “SmemoApp!” (Copyright: Smemoranda) SmemoApp is a digital diary full of features and exclusive contents from the Smemoranda world and its partners.. Developed by using Flutter/Dart framework for Android and [iOS](unfortunately not available on the “Apple Store” by reson of the owner) platforms.

  4. “Winker” (Copyright: Winker Live Date) The first live dating app. Developed by using Flutter/Dart framework for iOS and Android platforms.

  5. “LeucaCityTour” (Copyright: Petese Renato) Tourist Guide of Santa Maria di Leuca , based on MapBox GIS engine. Developed by order of Petese Renato using Flutter/Dart framework for iOS and Android platforms.

  6. “Ecocity” (Copyright: Rescona Goup LLC) is a social project of ecological theme for Kazakhstan. This project includes mobile application for iOS and Android that allows people improve knowledge about sorting garbage and finding the point of sorting centers. Was created a social network in Facebook and Instagramm for community of people who are worried about the ecological future of their city, their country and all the world. I currently work for migrating this application to the new platform from Google: Flutter/Dart

  7. “OnTimy” (Russian name is “Успевайка (Uspevaika)”) (Copyright: Rescona Goup LLC) is a time managment mobile application for Android for kids and their parents. This application allows children to organize their schedule and their parents can help them to control their first steps in time managing. Therefore, it is necessary in our dynamic modern life.

My over all projects

  1. LLC “Rescona Group LLC” - is a private company in Kazakhstan “RESearch CONsulting and Analisys Group”. This company was founded by me since 2002 for implementing and maintaining the core banking system “BISQUIT” (“QBIS”) developed in Russia (ZAO “BIS”) in banks of Kazakhstan. This system is based on products and technologies of Progress Software (USA). Responsobility of company include the implementation of banking system that was in adaptation and localisation of this product for government regulations; full enrollment implementation and maintain of localized parts of system; first line support for all other system modules. Under my leadership and direct involvement, this system was implimented in folow banks:
    • Sberbank of Russia in Kazakhstan
    • Bank “Astana”
    • Eximbank of Kazakhstan
    • DeltaBank

In 2016, my company started developing the mobile applications. In result, created 2 application deiscribed above.

  1. From 1997 until 2000, during my work in Tax commity of Kazakhstan in roles of Deputy Chairman and Manager of IT department under my leadership and direct involvement was analised of IT systems of Tax commity, developed IT strategy, created specifications for developing and implementating new information system for Tax Managment named “INIS RK”. Was created bidding documets for procurement by financing of World Bank.

  2. From 1990 until 1997, during my work in Bank “BankCenterCredit” in roles of Vice-President, Manager IT department, software engeneer and system engeneer under my leadership and direct involvement was developed a distributed multi-branch core banking system, which allowed the bank to carry out a currency change in Kazakhstan at a minimum of costs and allowed to introduce advanced technologies for customer service and automation of accounting operations of the bank.

My last certificates

It was made only for checking my skills and knoweledge in new technologies of software developing.

Swift 4 Java Python Core C++ C